Django Unchained

Quentin Tarantino requires no introduction. He is not a great actor, as his brief cameo in Django Unchained shows, but a talented director with a very distinct style of storytelling. His preference for visceral violence in movies has often be the focal point of discussion. However, the bottom-line is that these are simply the kind of movies he likes to make, and Tarantino fans know and respect this. Three years after the critically acclaimed Inglourious Basterds, for which Christoph Waltz won a best supporting actor Oscar, Tarantino is back with a new story. This time he centers on slavery in America in the western Django Unchained.

Life of Pi

Director Ang Lee creates an academy award winning motion picture about every five years or so: Sense and Sensibility (1995), Crouching Tiger – Hidden Dragon (2000), and Brokeback Mountain (2005). All great movies, and we’ll have to forget and forgive disappointments like Hulk (2003). His latest entry is Life of Pi, based on the critically acclaimed book with the same name, released in 2001, by Yann Martel.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

I remember clearly when the first installment of the Lord of the Rings was released, as it was a really big event in cinema back then. A rock solid story, penned nearly half a century earlier, the cinematic possibilities of the new millennium, and a very talented group of people, made the Lord of the Rings trilogy into a huge critical and box office success. After its conclusion, and a shower of Oscars, rumors of plans to bring the short book that preceded The Lord of the Rings: The Hobbit, to the big screen started to spread. Unfortunately, the project would be long delayed over financial and legal disputes. Guillermo del Toro, of Hellboy and Pan’s Labyrinth fame, was attached to direct at some point, but eventually Peter Jackson, who originally directed the Lord of the Rings trilogy, took it upon him to direct this prequel as well, split not into two, but three separate films. The first installment of this new trilogy was recently released: An Unexpected Journey.