Advogato #12

Added ‘undo’ to the autoformatter yesterday. Rather “crude”, but effective 🙂 Today I tried to resolve the locale problems that have been plaguaging the stf, but Jody told me to hold it off for now, because the solution he suggested (and that I was implementing) wasn’t quite a good solution. Anyway, hopefully we’ll tackle this… [Continue Reading]

Advogato #11

Added translations for xpdf and libgda this week, also did some other i18n related stuff. Hmmm, I think i’ll do some more coding and a little less translating. I still need to polish some kewl Gnumeric things 🙂

Advogato #10

Luckily the disease I was suffering from has largely ‘gone away’ 🙂 Did a lot of translating this weekend, I added translations for : gnome-db, gnome-iconedit, gnome-pilot, memprof, gtop. And updated the translations for : gnome-core, gnome-games, gnome-libs HEAD, evolution, dia, bonobo, libgtop.