Almer S. Tigelaar

A Little Bit of Everything

Diced Potatoes with Cherry Tomatoes

A couple of days ago I examined my fridge and decided I would cook something using only the things that I still had. Whilst the combination was not exactly something that I would normally have thought of, the end result was good enough to share. If you want to try this for yourself, here goes. It only takes about 15 minutes or so.

You will need: a wok pan, a soup plate, 1 red onion, 4 medium-sized ‘floury’ potatoes, 4 to 6 leafs of fresh coriander, 10 cherry tomatoes, a block of about 100g of feta cheese, about 25g grated Parrano cheese, some stir fry sauce with Chinese five-spice powder, pepper & salt, and some olive oil.

Instructions: peel and dice the red onion, and then also peel and dice the potatoes, and finally dice the feta cheese. Take the wok, add some olive oil, and put it on the hot plate. Wait until the oil is hot and then stir fry the red onion in about a minute or so. Add the diced potatoes, and continue stir frying for four minutes. Add some Chinese five-spice powder to the wok, as well as pepper and salt. Check the taste of your dish while adding the spices and adjust accordingly. Continue stir frying for about four more minutes. In the meanwhile cut the coriander leafs in small strokes. Next, add the cherry tomatoes (whole) to the wok and stir fry for about a minute, then add the feta cheese. After another minute or so, take the wok off the hot plate and empty it onto the soup plate. Decorate with coriander and sprinkle with the grated Parrano cheese. Potayto, potahto, tomayto, tomahto, enjoy your meal!

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